So last week literally flew by and now I have less than a week to go and I cant believe it! Life has been really fun the last few weeks and I now also feel like my brothers are my brothers; its taken a while to get to this stage of acceptance or closeness but now we are always laughing and joking, its great. Even when I always get introduced to people and sometimes they seem to get left out! Ooops! They find it hilarious though so its ok.
The rhinitis is back again unfortunately, so I havn`t been feeling my best recently. Although having said that I cant complain because one of the other volunteers has Dengue Fever. They were telling me that to have Dengue once is horrific, but to have it a second time is often fatal. (Its only her first time though so dont worry!) I never realised there were so many perks to living in England until this year!
I`ve now finished working in my project, and I had a really good time there. I wasn`t as emotional to leave it though as the blind school because I hadnt been there that long and because its harder to connect with the children that cant talk. But it was still an awesome experience and i`m glad I was there. One of the teachers there made me two pairs of earrings as a thankyou present, thats alot more than anyone else has done in any of my projects so I was really touched. Saying my goodbyes when everyone was eating though was really not a smart idea....I left smothered in chicken grease!
I have now more than just started saying the goodbyes. Friends and family have been gradually leaving to go the various other places where they are going to spend Christmas so I dont know whether thats easier or harder than saying goodbye to everyone in one go. I had to say goodbye to Oscar who went back to El Salvador, to my good friend Sandra who went to Guatemala, to Chi who has gone to Siguatapeque (and who I will miss the most after Carlota) and now Jade because tomorrow she leaves for England, and although we are going to meet up again I know it wont quite be the same. Sad times.
My last weekend in Honduras has now gone but I had such a good time and now have so many great memories and photos to take back with me. 5 days feels both like a long time and nothing at the same time. However its going to go by so fast because there is so much I have to do, here is the plan for the final five days;
* Going to Andres` (private) university
* Going to the public university where Patricia works
* Going to buy the rest of my presents and souvenirs
* Going to visit the lady taylor as she has been making a jacket for me that Carlota wants me to have to remember her when its cold in England
* Having my final evaluation session with ICYE (2 hours instead of a 3 day camp, how they can get away with that i`m not sure!)
* Sorting out all that needs doing before I leave like closing my bank account and packing obviously
and will probably end the week with a trip to the salon so that I am beautified for the journey home.
Perfect :-)