So what has happened this week? I really dont know. I have become truly `aculturized`(which I realise is probably not a real word) and am so unorganised and living in the moment now that I havn`t written in my diary for about 2 weeks! So bear with me while I try to find the inefficiently filed away memories...
Last Sunday I think it was we went to the fair of Suyupa again (there is one twice a year and I went in Feb). I had a really great time the last time and I was all ready to take loads of photos this time - now that I`m not so scared to take my camera out of the house - but it was a bit disapointing. There weren`t half as many horses this time and no cows! Plus it decided to rain really heavily, which was unfortunate as we`d parked on a particularly muddy hill and i was wearing white sandals. I really dont think sometimes! haha! The fact that it was getting dark too really didnt help. Carlota and I practically slid down the hill, much to everyones amusement, and then it took several attempts to get the car to move. So in the end it was actually quite fun. Then we went to Patricia`s house and generously shared the mud around! There are photos of me wearing newspaper boots.
Oh and then on one evening we went to watch Andres recieve his blue belt in Tai Kwan Do, so I now feel very safe if im going with him somewhere!
The weekend just gone was different because we had one of the volunteers from Sweden staying with us. She is Andres`s `contact person`. She arrived in August and so is still finding it hard to adapt to life here. Its funny because she was making all these comments about all the strange things Hondurans do, exactly like I was in the beginning, but I now found myself trying to defend them saying `yes but...`, `i know but...`. And now all the things they do just seem normal to me. Yer its true they dont take their dogs out for walks, but why would they? Thats just pure crazyness! The dogs are there to help protect thier properties - which I now think is very sensible ever since we got robbed.
So yes it was fun to talk to a new volunteer, even though she is completely the opposite of me in that she is really outgoing and says exactly what she thinks. She also has very strong ideas about what she wants to do in her project and is finding it very hard to accept that that might not be possible. So I figure she`ll either change, adapt and stay here or will end up going home early because at the moment shes`s not very happy. I have ended up doing something completely different to what I had originally planned, I think the same is true for most volunteers.
I did get to ride to a horse in the end which was really cool, although mum says it doesn`t count if someone is leading the horse, I personally think it does. I not only had to stop myself from falling off but also the child that was with me, responsibility enough I reckon! The guy there said that he would of taught me how to ride properly if i`d had time...shame. Never mind I have learnt so much this year already, perhaps in my last blog i`l try to compose a list of them?
At the moment I am very excited because on Saturday Jade and I go to Costa Rica for 5 days! Que bien! And the best part is we have planned nothing except the flights and hotel. I have had a quick look on the internet but havn`t had time to do much research so who knows what we`l do. I do know that we will be talking spanish to each other so as to try not to look like complete tourists though. And apparently they don`t pronounce their double r `rr` so that will make it easier for me (whos been trying to pronounce it right since January without much success).
And finally I may not have been able to buy a poppy this year but I am still `remembering`.....
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