Thursday, 22 January 2009

Loco loco loco

So yesterday ICYE took us to downtown Tegus.....ON THE BUS!! Carlota was mortified when i told her this, she apparently hasn´t dared take the bus for years! I can see why, its such a different experience to what we British are used to. There is no timetable, set routes or obvious signs of a bus stop. The buses are old American buses (the ones the U.S have rejected) and Reggaeton music (may not be how its spelt - a kind of latin reggae, really catchy) blares out of the speakers. When a bus arrives a man jumps out and shouts where the bus is going, he bangs on the side of the bus and everyone piles in. He collects the 3 lempiras fixed rate (about 10 pence for us) and you have to know where to get off otherwise... well you get lost. The crime rate is highest on public buses so you should never take anything valuable and I keep most of my cash in my bra and socks! Because of this I cannot take my camera anywhere -so frustrating! So unfortunately I have a lack of photos. Sorry!

The other night we went to the cinema to see Australia, luckily for me it was in English with Spanish subtitles! Was a great film but again nothing like our cinemas, peeling wallpaper etc but that is Honduras you get used to it. Bit like you get used to the sweetness of the food products here - my strawberry yoghurt was literally fluorescent pink!

Trying not to slag Honduras off to much becuase I am enjoying it! Honest!

Hope all is well in England!

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