So this week has perhaps been a bit of a turning point, the food I almost hated at the beginning of my time here I absolutely love now and am even craving it! (well mostly - you can never love everything can you) I´m feeling more comfortable at both my projects and can get myself around (well mostly) and I´m finally feeling like I am getting somewhere with my Spanish. So all this equals a happier Kat.
Work at the school is still going well and I´m even learning braille (thats how its spelt in espanol anyway). Definitely one to wack on the CV I reckon! Although how much use it may be in the future is debateble. I am using my eyes though, maybe this is cheating but my fingers just are not sensitive enough to identify the letters. I also took some of the kids on a walk outside the school with another profesor. The roads and pavements here are dangerous enough for your average person, if you´re blind it could be fatal! There are these huge deep holes randomly scattered around the city, which Jenny once commented was where all the blind people must be sat because its rare to see a blind person out and about here. (As an aside even the food is dangerous here, just today I cut myself on my meat!)
Last friday I was working for CEM-H in the city centre. In celebration of International Womens Day we had a stall with information and we were selling products for the women in prison. It felt like the other volunteer and I were practically running it though which is a shame really. Apparently we were in the paper the next day! Must search this out in the library.
That evening there was a free concert in the local theatre where there was more evidence of lack of health and safety - there was small ledge the other side of the balcony where people were sat! Crazy!
Saturday and Sunday we had Johannes another volunteer staying with us as he lives further away in Choluteca. Sat evening Hayley´s cousins took us out to a bar with live music. Was good fun, a little dancing, a little drinking and a lot of talking in spanish! Genious!
I was supposed to be working on sunday too but in typical fashion that didnt happen due to a small lack of forward thinking.
This week I have mostly been working at workshops, basically doing Dave´s job of taking photos film footage, probably rubbish though due to my lack of experience! On monday I spent alot of time on the road, if you can call it that, it was really a dirt track. To say it was bumpy would be an understatement! I rather hoped it would have the same effect as a Power Plate but all I got were a few bruises! We randomly gave people rides in the back of the pick up truck.
Yesterday I recieved my valentines parcel from Dave.....36 days after he posted it! Its made me really happy because I now have loads of English tea and chocolate to consume! I have missed real tea! Ahh he is the best. Life is always better after a good cup of tea (and a cream egg of course!) ;-)
Work at the school is still going well and I´m even learning braille (thats how its spelt in espanol anyway). Definitely one to wack on the CV I reckon! Although how much use it may be in the future is debateble. I am using my eyes though, maybe this is cheating but my fingers just are not sensitive enough to identify the letters. I also took some of the kids on a walk outside the school with another profesor. The roads and pavements here are dangerous enough for your average person, if you´re blind it could be fatal! There are these huge deep holes randomly scattered around the city, which Jenny once commented was where all the blind people must be sat because its rare to see a blind person out and about here. (As an aside even the food is dangerous here, just today I cut myself on my meat!)
Last friday I was working for CEM-H in the city centre. In celebration of International Womens Day we had a stall with information and we were selling products for the women in prison. It felt like the other volunteer and I were practically running it though which is a shame really. Apparently we were in the paper the next day! Must search this out in the library.
That evening there was a free concert in the local theatre where there was more evidence of lack of health and safety - there was small ledge the other side of the balcony where people were sat! Crazy!
Saturday and Sunday we had Johannes another volunteer staying with us as he lives further away in Choluteca. Sat evening Hayley´s cousins took us out to a bar with live music. Was good fun, a little dancing, a little drinking and a lot of talking in spanish! Genious!
I was supposed to be working on sunday too but in typical fashion that didnt happen due to a small lack of forward thinking.
This week I have mostly been working at workshops, basically doing Dave´s job of taking photos film footage, probably rubbish though due to my lack of experience! On monday I spent alot of time on the road, if you can call it that, it was really a dirt track. To say it was bumpy would be an understatement! I rather hoped it would have the same effect as a Power Plate but all I got were a few bruises! We randomly gave people rides in the back of the pick up truck.
Yesterday I recieved my valentines parcel from Dave.....36 days after he posted it! Its made me really happy because I now have loads of English tea and chocolate to consume! I have missed real tea! Ahh he is the best. Life is always better after a good cup of tea (and a cream egg of course!) ;-)
Queen The Miracle 1989 !!
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