Here is a nice photo of a view of Tegucigalpa which has nothing to do with anything i'm going to talk about:

Last weekend was an interesting one. On friday night I went partying and had an ok time but not good enough to make up for the following hangover! Oh my goodness, I cant remember the last time I felt that bad! So bad that I have decided to stick to weak beers for the rest of the year! ...with maybe the odd margarita or two ;-) What?
It was unfortunate that I was ill on Saturday because Maddy, another English volunteer who had been working in Mexico, came to visit me for the weekend. In fact she will be getting on a flight tomorrow to go back to England, im a little jealous i have to admit! She doesn't have a mobile so we had arranged to meet in central park at 11, anyway there was no way I was going so Carlota had to go for me to find her. When she still wasnt there at 11.30 we were a bit worried, however not having many other options left Carlota kept waiting and they eventually found each other about 12ish! Phew! I had planned for us to go to Santa Lucia that day where I have a few friends at the blind centre and was really looking forward to a nice lunch too. But alas it wasnt going to happen and it was already late by that point. However I did have a good day doing the only thing I could, chatting, and catching up with Maddy. Was fun to hear about her experiences and how Mexico and other central american countries differ from here. I was still in my pajamas at 5pm that day! Luckily I felt better that evening and Maddy and I went out to Ruby Tuesdays with another volunteer here that i havn't seen since the beginning. She's from England too! We chose to talk in English although we probably could have got by in Spanish, just its nice to have a break once in a while. So that was fun.
On Sunday Maddy felt a bit ill so we stayed in the house again chatting and interneting and watching Grey's Anatomy which I refuse to become addicted too! HA!
She left Monday morning and I went off to work, only to find out that there would be no English class because there was no electricity in the building! Boooooooooooooooo! It was the same for Tuesday aswell so I have a slightly above average level of frustration! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! It's because there has been a dramatic change of weather here this week. These days it is hot and sunny in the mornings and big dramatic thunderstorms in the afternoons with torrential rain! Now I see why everyone drives these big 4X4's, to drive through the puddles!
Since there was no english yesterday I went with the others to the city centre, never quite sure what we're going to do till it happens here! Anyway there was a big anti-smoking protest, (or should that be smoking protest?), and although we weren't getting involved with that we used to opportunity to collect signatures from the hundreds of people there. The signatures were in favor of facilitating the use, production and distribution of the emergency contraceptive pill, so that victims of sexual abuse etc would be able to terminate their potential pregnancy. Now imagine trying to explain that in Spanish, now imagine they dont agree and you have to try and persuade in Spanish! ummm yer so i'l just look after the bags then shall I? I might have had a chance if i'd been briefed beforehand but as it was I was I felt completely useless! But it was still interesting to watch! What i found really funny was that after the crowd had dispersed three of my colleagues lit up cigarettes!! HAHA! Honduras.
Today we were preparing for another activity we have tomorrow in celebration of World day for action of women's health or something like that. I designed an information leaflet which looks very impressive until you start to read it! I left them making alterations to it this afternoon as i went to visit Chi. Carlota is away with work this week so I have had to amuse myself. while going to visit an 80 something year old might not appeal to everyone I really like Chi and our conversations. Plus I think she was really pleased that i'd made the effort to see her and not just because Carlota was going to see her! I had to leave quite early though to catch a taxi before it got dark.
So tomorrow I will not be in the school but in the city centre handing out my leaflets. I can only hope no-one has any questions!
So thats the week almost over and almost the end of May! So nearly time for Wimbledon I'm thinking? Wonder if I can follow it here so I feel like I know something about whats going on back home. Wonder if they have pimms here? Oh wait no I forget im only allowed beer and margaritas! hmmm wonder if that will last?