Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Mixed Emotions; the Honduran cocktail

Once again I am living the roller coaster of life.

On the one hand everything is great and I feel really happy here now. I'm still really happy with my home and 'school' life, but I'm also now much happier at CEMH teaching English. My Spanish is getting better all the time and I am planning exciting things to do in the coming months so everything is looking pretty good.

On the other hand so many bad things are happening to people around me and I am worrying for them and slightly too for my safety.

However life in Honduras will go on, and then so must I!

Last thursday I saw sandra again (the lady from the school) and we spent a (weekday) afternoon (LOVE IT!) making cakes and then took then back to the school in the evening for all the children. Was really cool to be there in the evening, was alot more exciting than the day and it was only the children that actually sleep there as the day lot had gone home. However I found out a couple of sad stories. One of the young girls there, who is only there because her brother is blind and needs looking after, her dad died when she was really young and her mum died whilst giving birth to her baby brother! She is so lovely though, even Dave thought so! Im going to get a photo album for her and print some photos before I leave I think. The picture above is of her with her brother, and the other boy is called Christian. Also there's another girl who is blind and has trouble with mobility, she was found one day in a box left outside the school gates, at about 3 years old too! :-(

The lady who cooks in our house, also called sandra, made me porridge for breakfast on saturday! and even added vanilla pods to it! Although it was a bit runny for my liking and lacking in raisins, but it was delivered with the best service so I will go back to that restaurant again! hehe

Finally made a skype call to my parents so got to see them for the first time in 4 months! Was really good...once they got the hang of the new age technology! ;-) hehe love you really!
I booked my other return flight to Honduras (because i am coming back to UK briefly for a wedding in sept) so I will be leaving Honduras for good on the 19th of December and arriving in UK on the 20th! Just in time for the much missed christmas roast dinner! hmmm.

We have sorted out the dilemma of how to get me to the centro de capacitacion to teach english now. They changed the dates of the computer course to be the same as the English and so Gustavo, the son of my 'boss', drives there and I can go with him. Phew thats a relief, and he's a good laugh.

And finally I found out that they dont have guinea pigs here, no-one even knows what they are even after being shown photos on the internet! So Cousin AL, if you're reading this, i can safely say that what you told me about Honduran's eating guinea pigs is NOT TRUE! Hmmm unless all the guinea pigs have been eaten and there are now none left? But it would have to have been several generations ago for the memory of guinea pigs to be completely forgotten! Probably the Mayans. Guinea pig sacrifices. I need to get some sleep now I think!

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