So the last few weeks havn't been very eventful as far as work goes. I am now back working at the school but I've basically forgotten CEM-H exists! I do appreciate however that the team I was working with last, at least ring me up occasionally to let me know whats going on and oh that they still dont have anything for me to do. Its because they are doing things relating to the current political situation and all other things have been put on hold. I am not allowed to go to the place where I teach English as it has been deemed to dangerous at the moment, and some people think its never safe!
Luckily I have been kept busy as Carlota has holiday at the moment and so I have been helping her run errands and havn't been stuck indoors all day! Plus it was my birthday and last Saturday I had a party! Because of the curfew we had to have it in the daytime and with the piñata aswell I was only one party bag away from being a 9 year old again! Despite the fact that my friends and family teased me, even they have to admit that they en
As far as the politcal situation goes the country seems to be almost running as normal, definitely outside of Tegucigalpa anyway. Here in Tegus we still sometimes get caught up in marches and have to be diverted. The graffiti which currently lines the streets is due to be cleaned up this weekend by a group of volunteers. Most of the shops and restaurants have replaced thier broken windows and look shiny and new again. We are making progress I feel. However the situation cannot get completely back to normal until something is resolved with the ex president. Whether thats for him to be in prison or reinstated as president i'm not sure but something has to happen before we can move on. While I have to admit I do feel quite excited and privilaged to be able to be here and witness it I am now truly bored of it all and just to get on with things. Thankfully with the curfew lifted I will be able to go out dancing again! yey!
As July is going by I am starting to think about my trip home at the end of August and all the things I need and want to do before then. For example if I bring back the hammock now then i'l have more room for other stuff in December. I have yet to buy a hammock but its on my list - IN PEN. hehe.
I've also been thinking more and more of the possibility of working in the school full time as of September when I return back after my trip. Everyday I spend there is alot of fun, laughing and smiling and then when I think of sitting in the office in CEM-H, bored and sad. Theres really no contest is there?
I must have led a very sheltered life since I did not know what a piñata was. Maybe you are in the same position. Here is Wikipedia on the subject: "A piñata is a brightly-colored papier-mâché, cardboard, or clay container, originating in Mexico, and filled with any combination of candy, small fruit, food items, and toys. It is generally suspended on a rope from a tree branch or ceiling and is used during celebrations. A succession of stick-wielding, often blindfolded children try to break the piñata in order to collect the sweets, small fruit (traditionally peanuts, sweet limes, sugarcane) and/or toys inside of it. It has been used for hundreds of years to celebrate special occasions such as birthdays, Christmas and Easter."
Father! I already explained what a piñata was on a previous blog IN LENGTH!
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