So this whole story has been so up and down, everytime I think things are returning to normality something else happens. I hope you've all been following it and know about the President being forcefully removed from power and from the country - thats the most objective way of saying it I think. We now have a new acting President, although the rest of the world refuses to acknowledge him. The media are reporting what they want to report, which im not surprised about but really the BBC? I expected better! There have been a few protests in the city by supporters of the ex president but thats really only a small group of people, the vast majority of Hondurans DO NOT want him back, including Carlota who works at the supreme court so no surprise there. I understand what they're all saying about him having to be reinstated because of the precident that it would set otherwise but I fear that that would then lead to more protests and unrest in the city, this time by the large majority of people. I know I dont want to be around when that happens! So really no-one knows whats going to happen. At the moment there is a strange calm in the city, I guess everyone is anxiously waiting. Supposedly the ex president is back on saturday. Hmmm. We have also had a night-time curfew which is a really weird experience, I mean when would that ever happen in a normal lifetime?
So needless to say I havn't been working this week but fortunately I managed to get out last Saturday. We went to the mall to see the new Transformers, which was good but loooooooooooooooooooooong. In the evening we hit Ruby Tuesdays for cocktails and then a disco called Jaguar, was the last time I will see alot of the volunteers :-( some people got VERY drunk but I've been very good ever since that horrible horrible tequila hangover a few weeks back.
Sunday morning I was awoken by fighter planes screaming over the city the day that the President was taken. I dont know what was more of a surprise, that the President got taken or that I actually woke up, normally I sleep through these things!
Monday and Tuesday have blurred together as I was stuck at home, I might have been able to go to work but CEMH were protesting or something and its actually illegal for foreigners to partake in this kind of activity, so I couldn't join them. This makes me wonder if what I did a few weeks back marching through the streets saying 'Yes to the emergency contraceptive pill!' was actually illegal too? If it was then oooops! ;-)
Yesterday I sneaked out to go to Santa Lucia, without telling ICYE! hehe. But outside of Tegus everywhere is normal so it was peaceful Santa Lucia as usual. It was Marie's leaving do, shes another volunteer here who works at the blind educational centre. Was really sweet as everyone was saying how much they'd miss her and how she'd always be welcome back whenever. Then some of the blind teachers, who also teach at my school, played keyboard and sang, very well I have to say. Unfortunately Taunya from Canada got news that a family member had died so she's leaving today or tomorrow, :-( I am sad today as it seems everyone is leaving, leaving, leaving and I'm not! Its also worse because I am at home and have time to sit and think about this fact over and over.
There are some benefits to being at home though, I have been studying Spanish and yey because it helps to improve, I have been helping Sandra make tortillas and can now make them with my hands as opposed to the machine that makes perfect round flat ones, which is actually really difficult! I have been keeping up to date with the news and also generally relaxing. And I get to do all that without feeling guilty or like a bum because its really not my fault! There is a political crisis and we have to deal with it, so I am. Now, where have all the biscuits gone?
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