I literally do not know where to start these last two weeks have been a bit of a blur, I have been really busy. I had so many invites to different things last weekend I got to choose the best ones! haha! And there wasn't much time to sit in my bedroom and mark off the days on my calendar, so today I had the great pleasure of crossing off almost 2 weeks in one go! :-D
One of the most exciting things happened in the early hours of last Thursday morning. You may have heard about the earthquake? It hit 7.1 on the scale, killed 6 people and caused large amounts of structural damage up north.....and I slept right through the whole thing! Kind of disapointed in myself. So I still dont know what it feels like apart from my go on the simulator in the science museum! In fact the first I even heard of it was when I was woken at some horrible hour in the morning by a text from my mum in England to ask if I was ok!
My time in the school these past 2 weeks has involved picking nits out of little girls hair, threading needles for them to sew on buttons, dancing and singing. All very strenuous work! haha no actually i had a great time!
In CEM-H I managed to teach one english class this week, which was alot fun, we made so much noise playing number bingo we disturbed the computer class!! But on the tuesday no students turned up to my class so I used my initiative and used the time to sweep the whole buiilding, it needed it!!! I was quite disturbed to find a condom until I remembered they'd used them for the march we had the previous week for women's health day!
Last friday evening I met up for coffee with Leo, my friend from the educational centre for the blind in Santa Lucia. He was with a new volunteer from Canada. She only just arrived about 2 weeks ago and cannot speak Spanish. It was really cool because I had to do the translating and it made me realise just how far i've come since I was like her and I had to get my ICYE contact to ring up my mum for me. She says that my accent is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo British and its weird that it completely drops when I speak Spanish. Ahhh what a complement! Yey I speak spanish with a spanish accent, apart from the fact that I still can't roll my r's! :-( Coffee turned into drinks as some other friends of Leo joined us, Mario and Oscar.
I can't even remember what we did on Saturday as we seemed to be here, there and everywhere! I do know that we went with Chi to a lady taylor who makes Carlota's work clothes for her. They said that I should get something made because I've never had anything made to my specifications and measurements before! So I choose a very nice skirt design and a fabric and it should be ready very soon! SO excited! Yet another thing that I did not expect from my volunteer experience in Honduras! haha!
Then in the evening I went to Lidice's birthday party (my work colleague at cem-h). I didnt know very many people and felt a bit like a lemon but then I got talking to a few people and had an alright time. Met this guy who is 19 and already owns and runs 2 businesses! Later Gustavo turned up and it was better as we get on really well, then he took me and some others home. I found it hilarious that he got stopped and breathalised using the policeman's hat! Like 'breathe into the hat and i'l smell it' kind of a test!! What is that about? It was fine as he doesn't drink, like alot of young people here actually, I think England could learn a few things from them!
Sunday I went walking in La Tigra national park with Mario, Oscar, Atonia (the canadian volunteer) and some more of their friends. Almost 3 hours of exercise! I felt a bit bad for Oscar as everyone could and was speaking English because of Antonia, except for him who didnt understand a word! Like being a foreigner in your own country! On the way back Oscar's car kept breaking down which was rather funny. People here literally keep their cars until its nothing more than scrap metal! Soo many taxi's now i've been in that have broken down or run out of fuel!
Talking of cars and funny moments, on monday evening Carlota managed to lock the car keys in the car! HAHA! Just like my mum in England!!! ;-) Luckily the window was open a little so we eventually wound the window down bit by bit with a stick.
And tonight i'm off to a girly birthday party which is cool as I dont seem to have many female honduran friends. Most of my female friends are other volunteers! That will probably change soon though as they're all pissing off back to thier respective countries soon those 6 monthers! Not like us hardcore 12 monthers! (well ok 11 and a bit). Just before my birthday they're leaving as well! Grr...
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