So after alot of talking and weighing up pros and cons I still dont know what Im going to do when my english classes finish in August in terms of what project. However things are perhaps looking up a little in CEM-H because I've now moved to another department -political women as opposed to -young women. Me and politics do not mix well but the ladies who work there are soooo much more friendly and they actually look for things for me to do. Im only working with them when im in the office which only equates to 2 days a week but its already much better than before. I've been busy :-O
In the school its been more of the same but its good fun. The other day the older students had a class on hygiene, I felt bad because the proffessor kept asking what I do or how many times I do stuff and I kept replying with the wrong thing! For example I said I shampoo my hair twice but she then told the kids its better to do it 3 times! Haha Im clearly not a good example! In my defence we never had classes at school to teach us stuff like that! My mum didnt tell me how many times either! :-(
Last weekend I went with two other volunteers for a trip to Valle de Angeles but this time we stayed over in a hotel! They dont speak much Spanish so we were speaking English the whole time, but I refuse to feel guilty! I dont feel so much pressure to speak spanish now that I already pretty much can. I did find out some interesting things though. One of the girls says that the anti-malarial drugs give her night terrors, I was a bit sceptical at first because im on the same thing and im fine. I sleep pleasantly even through earthquakes apparently. But the saturday night I woke up to find her crying her eyes out after experiencing yet another nightmare! I really feel sorry for her, they must be pretty strong drugs, oh and im on them for a whole year woo!
And I dont think theres much else interesting to talk about this week, seems to have gone past pretty quickly. Have been to the gym and few more times and went to extend my visa today - had to do all my fingerprints and everything! Oh and the lady taylor made me a little top, love it!
I have the ICYE mid-term evaluation camp tomorrow for 3 spanish too, so better go pack....
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